Knight of Burgundy

Besides being a full time illustrator & Concept artist, I'm also a reenactor. As such I wanted to create some character art for how my next 15th century Burgundian kit should look like.

I did a lot of research on the clothing pieces, in particular: the "houppelande" which is the outer garment with slashed sleeves. I always kept the concept art principles in the back of my mind, knowing that if a 3D artist were to make a model of this, they should know exactly how all the pieces work and fit together.

For this work, I went for a different, less rendered style for my character which made the process a lot faster. To do this, I followed a workflow by the amazing Hardy Fowler called "Mastering Concept Art Character Painting: 3-Step Workflow Process." I highly recommend watching it!


12e régiment de chasseurs à cheval 1814 - 1815


Ser Renaud de Godefroy