Illustration has always been at the heart of my career. Envisioning a concept and transforming it into a finished painting is a joy like no other!
I’m happy to work with you to create the best possible artworks you can imagine! The artwork is tailor-made to your specific needs, whether it’s a small detail or a dynamic scene full of detailed figures!
If you can dream it, I can paint it!
Collaboration through communication is my watchword, and I give you frequent updates so you can watch your creative vision come to life. You are involved with every step in the progress, ensuring your vision is correctly translated onto the canvas.
Working in a digital environment makes it possible to adjust every single aspect of the illustrations at any point in time, making alterations quick and easy without having to start over. So the possibilities are endless!
Don’t have a creative eye? Don’t worry, you’ll receive creative advice and suggestions throughout the entire process. Don’t hesitate to ask!
Following the same workflow principle as in graphic design, I will provide you with multiple concepts and variations which will be refined throughout the entire process, ending with the exact artwork you were looking for.
Concept art can have many implementations; this can be in the production pipeline of a video game, TV production, or the collectible market. Each project is tailored to the needs of the final product.
If you need a character for a 3D game, the concept art is adjusted to that, making sure all the important details are clearly readable for the 3D artists to base their work on.
“I always make sure that when I create concept art, it’s practical. For example, a piece of clothing must look like it is wearable, a firearm or tool must be usable in its design. Creating concept art that’s believable is key, in my opinion, as it not only creates an immersive atmosphere, but also helps creators and artist further up the pipeline understand how things should work and feel. This is something I believe is lost in a lot of concepts, which try to only look ‘cool’, and this isn’t necessarily what concept art is about.”
Whether it’s a logo for your business or designs to enhance your website, from colour theory to corporate identity, you’ll be provided with a design and style that fits your business or idea!
Following the graphic design and publishing pipeline, from a series of initial sketches, you’ll pick those closest to your idea, which will then be refined and receive several more variations. This process continues until we’ve reached the exact design you need, after which you’ll receive the chosen design(s) fully rendered in the format of your choice. This is a proven way to ensure full involvement and satisfaction.